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Thursday, 15 March 2018

What Kind of Christian are you?

What Kind of Christian are you?

The word Christian is a term people gave the disciples because they observed that they had been with Christ to such an extent that they mirrored his lifestyle by what they said and did.

Does that characterization apply to you?
The reason most Christians haven't been living the victorious life Christ has called all mankind to live is because we are ok with being Christians, that is Christ-like, on our own terms.

Are we Christians or just arm-chair followers of Gods word who merely want to be served rather than to serve and die as the soldiers on-the-offensive that Jesus Christ has called is to be.

Most of us are at ease, neither on the offensive or defensive until a situational pressure from sin, the world or the devil arises that causes us to get off our tuff and comfort zones and do something about what threatens our freedom or way of life, and once we have overcome the immediate threat we just go back to sleep on the watch again.

The gospel truth is that it is God's desire that we be tough enough to withstand anything the ancient enemy of the souls of men, who is the ruler of this fallen world and all the ungodly systems therein, throws at us because on this earth, as Christians, we will always be at war with him till our spirits are recalled to heaven from active duty, of halting the enemies advance and spreading the gospel of Christ Jesus.

That is why Jesus Christ told his disciples this plain truth as it is written in John 16: 33,"... In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus told them the blunt truth about the kind of life they'd have to live as his followers, so that in him they may have peace in the midst of the turmoil, and as fellow followers we should have the same mindset and not be deceived by anyone who paints life in this world as a bed of roses alone.

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