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Tuesday, 27 March 2018

The Lords Prayer 9

The Lords Prayer 9.

6. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

God delights in and is always preparing a table before us in the presence of the accuser of the brethren, the ancient enemy of our souls and his human followers, that He may anoint, that is, promote and empower His chosen and faithful ones to His glory and the shame of the enemy.

Jesus confessed a truth that a lot of Christians have not yet come to terms with or accepted as the type of life God desires for us all, on what is meant to be our temporary sojourn on earth, when he said in John 16:33, that in this world all his disciples will have trouble and that we should take heart in the truth that it is only in him that we can have peace in this world,because he has already overcome the world with his death and resurrection.

Some of us fail to understand that though Satan uses the opportunity God gives him to test our faith through trials and temptations, if we are faithful to God's confidence in us, it always turns out to shame the devil and our enemies, glorify God and to bless and empower us for greater exploits.
God always avails himself of the opportunity to boast of our faithfulness to Him to the devil as He did Job because of His love and faith in the salvation of mankind.

In Job 1:2 to 3, it was said about Job that he was a man who was blameless and upright; who feared God and shunned evil, that he owned numerous livestock and servants and was in fact the greatest man among all the people of the East.

God blessed the work of Jobs hands and put a hedge around him and his household and everything he had but Job did not fear God only because of how God had blessed him as Satan alluded in Job 1:9 to 10.

Satan's assertion that Job does not fear God for nothing was the reason why God prepared a table before him in the presence of his accuser that He may allow Job prove Satan wrong.

After Job passed the test that one could say was approved by God, although instigated by Satan's reply to God's challenge on the futility of his vendetta against mankind, in Job 42:10 to 12, it was written that God restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before and that the Lord blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the former part, but what is note worthy, and that everyone who desires a closer walk With God and His Christ as a faithful disciple needs to grasp is the truth in verse 11, that everyone who had known Job before came and comforted and consoled him over all "the trouble the Lord had brought upon him."

The bottom line about the life of every disciple of Christ is that we are at war with the ancient enemy of the souls of men for the rest of our lives over the souls of our fellow men who are wallowing in sin.

The Lord who will from time to time prepare a banquet table before us, in the presence of our enemies, to bless and promote us for our sake and to His glory, will also allow those enemies to test and try us that He may anoint our head with oil so that His divine plan that we be blessed to the point that our cup will run over will be accomplished.

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