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Saturday, 10 March 2018

The Tower of Babel (6)

The Tower of Babel 6. 
"Lessons from Babel & You"

We may choose to relegate what happened in Babel to the annals of history as something that pertained to the Old Testament times but the tower is an analogy of what happens in our contemporary time as well.

The Tower of Babel represents every ungodly and self-glorifying venture we embark upon either unwittingly or not. 
These are some germane questions we need to ask ourselves in the light of the eternal truths God has made known to us through the infamous story of Babel:

1. Are you more comfortable been entertainedby cable TV, movies, games or what ever pass-time tickles your fancy than making out time to know more about God Almighty and His Word,and therefore His good, pleasing and perfect will for you and those He has created you to lead to Him?

2. Do you love this present world and all it has to offer more than God?

3. In all your endeavours are you more bothered making a name for yourself or making sure God Almighty gets the glory due Him, by ensuring the things you do allow you to let your light shine - before everyone in your sphere of contact, that everyone may see your good deeds and therefore glorify God?

4. Are you learning from and applying the account of the Tower of Babel and other godly wisdom that you are opportune to come across in the Bible?
They are not mear stories but warnings, instructions, encouragements, etc to guide us so that we don't go through the pitfalls of those who have lived before us and we live our lives more circumspect and efficiently from the wealth of wisdom the history of our ancestors has afforded us.

5. Have you bothered to act on the revelation of the Power of Unity you have come to understand through the account of the Tower of Babel?

It was recorded that God actually came down to earth to scatter them because the Unity of Purpose the people building the city and tower had were ungodly motives.

Can you imagine what Unity of Purpose in your marriage, as a Prayer Band or Evangelism Group can accomplish.

Can you fathom when God comes down as a result of your godly pursuit what He will do on the behalf of everyone who of their own volition chose to glorify Him by such?

You can further appreciate the power of unity if you go through Ecclesiastes 4:9 to 12, which gives such nuggets of wisdom like, 
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor..."
Are you in an ungodly venture that you have put in a lot of resources and effort into?

I don't know the extent the men building the city and tower had gone in accomplishing the architectural, technological, and engineering feet they had embarked upon but it was because of the wrong motive and lack of godly purpose that God scattered the men.

Please seek God's face concerning all you choose to embark upon and all your present endeavours so history does not repeat itself through you.

2 Chronicles 20:37 is a brief but disheartening account and a warning to us of how God destroyed the ships King Jehoshaphat had because of his ungodly alliance in a venture with Ahaziah, king of Israel. The ships were wrecked and were not able to set sail to trade.

I pray that God will give us the grace to use the positive aspect of the Power of "Unity of Purpose" from the history lesson in Babel to cause us to do great exploits for the expansion of His Eternal Kingdom here on earth, in Jesus name.

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