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Sunday, 4 March 2018

Made for More

My dear friends,
We still pass ourselves off as mere builders when we ought to be builders of men.

I know I am made for more than the mundane things people run after.
  • Jesus didn't operate in the economic and financial system of this world and neither should we.
  • He never did anything that wouldn't benefit other people in the end.
  • His capital and investments were not money, goods and services but in men.

God gave His son everything he needed for life and godliness because Jesus knew that as long as he went about his Fathers business God Almighty would take care of his own needs and wants as in Matthew 6:33.

How long will we behave like pagans and choose to operate in this world's fallen systems?

How long will we see the truth in God's word and fail to follow it because the things of this world seem more realistic and tangible?

God, Please give us the grace to follow you blindly as a child would, not allowing this worlds ephemeral reasoning to dissuade us any more and lift us where we belong.

As is found in Luke 12:42 to 44, let's confess this into our lives:

I am the faithful and wise manager, 
whom the master has put in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time. 
It will always be good for me because the master will always find me doing so whenever he checks up on me. 
Indeed He will put me in charge of more and more of His possessions for my faithfulness in serving others in Jesus name. Amen

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