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Sunday, 18 March 2018

What Kind of Christian are you (4)

What Kind of Christian are you (4)

Running in such a way to get the prize, requires a lot of other things, and every other requirement cannot be accomplished without these basics.
Other requirements are:

Having an action plan that you strictly adhere to concerning:
1. How you'll run the race,
2. How to overcome obstacles
, as the Christian race is like a hurdle with lots of obstacles the only difference being that most of the hurdles come unannounced and therefore requires prior preparation in order to scale through, and 
3. How to win the race and finish well.

Thank God our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has already ran the race and won and all we have to do is join the winning team by having faith in his finished work and following his strategy through the Holy Spirit, our teacher, helper and personal trainer to the end. (ref. John 14:26)

Unlike any other earthly race the heavenly race is a lifelong race, one you'll continue to run till you leave this fallen world in death or rapture.
You'll definitely need a pacemaker in the person of the Holy Spirit to help you be fervent and keep to God's timelines for the various stages.

Living by and therefore keeping in step with the Holy Spirit will help you cultivate the right attitude towards everyone else you meet along the way.

A major requirement of the race unlike any other earthly one is that you must invite others to the race by not just simply telling them about the one who graciously brought you into the raceand why you follow him so tenaciously, but also esteeming their needs above your own.

Finally, it's important to note that strict training connotes and therefore requires consistency in all aspects of the way you are to run.

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