The Tower of Babel (5)
The Tower of Babel (5)
"From Shinar to Babel"
Finally, it is imperative that we understand what brought about the new name given to the place where it all happened.
It was first recorded that the people found a plain in Shinar and settled there but by the time the Lord confused the language of the whole world, and therefore caused them to stop building the city, it was then called Babel - because there the Lord further brought about His desire to disperse mankind over the face of the whole earth by scattering them.
Babel means to babble, that is, not to think thoroughly before talking and therefore speak with superficial or incomplete knowledge.
The people acted in rebellion because they didn't have knowledge of God's purpose for their lives. They acted upon an erroneous knowledge of God's purpose that the ancient enemy of the souls of men had presented to them.
The ungodly alliances and endeavours that affect mankind today all over the world are a direct consequence of Satans agenda to present God as a confused creator whose sole purpose is to shortchange His creation by limiting their potential as well as the inability of God's chosen people to fulfill the great commission of being scattered throughout all the earth, as in Mark 16: 15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation, and by so doing, make a name for God and not themselves.
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