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Wednesday, 7 March 2018

The Tower of Babel (3)

The Tower of Babel 3. 
"What went wrong?" 
The issue with what they planned to do was that: 

1. The city with a tower that reaches to the heavens, was a direct attack on God's sovereignty.

What they wanted to attempt was what Satan tried to do as recorded in Isaiah 14: 13 to 14, when he said in his heart:  
13. “I will ascend to the heavens; 
I will raise my throne above the stars of God; 
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. 
14. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

2. The name that they wanted to make for themselves as a result of the city and tower was not theres to make and therefore not to the glory of God.
In order to further wrap ones mind around what the people tried to do and try to understand the actions God took as a result it is imperative that we also take a good look at God's promise to all the descendants of Abraham - by faith, in Genesis 12: 1 to 9.

In verse 2, God Himself told Abram that "He will make his name great." God said it because of His foreknowledge that Abram who became Abraham in obedience to His command to leave his country, people and his father's household would become the father of the great nation Israel and also be a blessing to all mankind, which was all according to God's plan and purpose for the redemption of mankind.
However, the people who planned to make a name for themselves from the city and tower were not sent by God, nor were they doing it to glorify God but rather, to prevent God from scattering them over the face of the whole earth. 
They chose to go there own way, the only way where they would not be dispersed, which was "up".

3. Their desire to truncate God's plan of scattering them over the face of the whole earth was in direct disobedience to God's sovereign will for mankind in Genesis 1: 28,where God commanded Adam the first created man, to fill the earth and subdue it.
In Romans 15:4, it is written, "...everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, ...."

The questions we need to ask yourself now are: 
1. What does all this have to do with me?
2. In my endeavours, who is in charge & where does God's plan and purpose for the salvation of mankind fit into it all? 
3. Are my just trying to make a name for myself instead of ensuring God is glorified? 

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