The Lords Prayer 5.
Let's breakdown
Psalm 23 that the psalmist, king David wrote inspired by God's Spirit, verse by verse, to get a better understanding of it when we affirm it by faith:
1. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
While the job of a shepherd is to take care of sheep, that is, to guide, guard and provide for them,
our God is not only a shepherd to us but our Maker and Father.
It is indeed a great privilege that when we come to the understanding of
who God Almighty is to us, we can confidently say that we shall lack nothing.
we cannot fully appreciate the shepherd if we do not understand the dilemma the sheep would face without "The Good Shepherd" the only one that can give them Purpose, Provision and Protection.
If sheep were left alone without a shepherd, without the necessary human care, they would soon become wild and useless to mankind and therefore the purpose they were created for.
The wool and the milk they produced would not be qualitative nor quantitative enough because of the wild nutrition they'd subject themselves to.
Then there is the issue of them being fare game for predators that would kill droves of them because of the fact that they'd be too divided to be assembled or herded together as a flock to offer some sort of united resistance against the enemy. This analogy of the shepherd and sheep definitely applies to the relationship between God Almighty and mankind.
Romans 12: 2, it is written,
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
If we were left to our own whims, we would definitely conform to the pattern of this world, become depraved of mind ,not be able to know what God's will is and finally live an unpleasant and flawed existence that would ultimately lead us to the fires of hell, which was Satan's plan all along.
2. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
While a pasture is a large expanse of land where a shepherd takes his flock to feed on the grass, "green" connotes the freshness and luxury of it.
Genesis 1:29, God said to Adam,
“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."From the beginning there is no doubt to Gods willingness to provide mankind with the best in nutrition.
Although God didn't provide food without the need to work for it, as in
Genesis 2: 15, where it is written,
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it," God never intended that mankind do so through painful toil and by the sweat of his brow until he dies.
Unfortunately, as in
Genesis 3: 17 to 19, our foreparents, Adam and Eve gave in to Satan's temptations for them to be equal to God, and ate fruit from the tree God commanded them not to eat from, and as a result, God cursed the ground because of their willful disobedience.
This curse not only affected Adam, the first man made but all mankind who descended from him including us.
Thanks be to God however, that His greatest gift to mankind,
Jesus Christ, who bore our sin and sicknesses on the cross, redeemed all mankind who would accept his lordship and saving grace upon their lives from that curse.
Through Jesus Christ mankind can once again lie down in green pastures as God made it out to be at the beginning.
Are you still experiencing the curse of the fall through painful toil and by the sweat of your brow?
God desires and can make us lie down in green pastures once again so that the peace mankind had at the beginning can be restored.
All we need to do is
believe and accept Jesus Christ as the shepherd and as in
John 10: 3, He will call us "his own sheep" by name and lead "us" out to greener pasture.