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Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Going Beyond Devotionals (3)

Going Beyond Devotionals (3)

A friend is someone you like, is fun to be with and who helps and supports you in your endeavours as well as trying times while an acquaintance is someone who you just known but is not a close confidant.

Is God and acquaintance or a friend in the present relationship you have with Him?

King Solomon in Proverbs 18:24, spoke about a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He was referring to the Holy Spirit. This kind of friendship that your love for God goes beyond your love for your spouse, family members or best friend is the kind of relationship God has called all of us individually into.

The Holy Spirit being a friend who sticks closer than a brother should be the testimony we have about our relationship with God our Father,through our constant meditation on His Word and fellowship with His Spirit.

Could it be that the inordinate use of devotionals to kick off our relationship with God on a daily basis is proof of Spiritual bankruptcy?

If you think I'm going too far with this then permit me to ask you this simple question, "Do you need a devotional to relate with the closest members of your family or your best friend?"

If there's one thing I have learned it is that there's a difference between knowing God and knowing about God and the difference between friendships and acquaintances can be seen in the time one devotes to building such relationships.

Could it be that the issue most of us have in relating with God is our involvement in a semi-conscious adulterous relationship with the world, and cannot even admit the truth that our friendship with the world has actually brought about a salient enmity against the things of God as we are not able to squeeze out adequate time to fellowship with Him and His word because we'd rather be doing something else as regards what this present world and it's people have to offer?

Prayerfully ask God to upgrade your relationship with Him by giving you the grace to go beyond devotionals.


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