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Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Questions of life

The Questions of life.

In life we will seldom understand everything we encounter. Only God is Omniscient, that is, all knowing.

Do you have questions concerning life?
Know that God has hidden them from mere men but will make answers available for those who have accepted the lordship of His son and choose to frequently sit at his feet, as representatives of His heavenly kingdom on earth, who ask him for solutions to challenges they face in life.

As Christians, we are wired by God to be solutions to the issues of life and the problems of others.

The Questions of life are meant to be sought out immediately; they are to be delth with the instant they crop up. With the Holy Spirits empowerment we are to search out the answers to the questions and matters of life.

Failure to do so will lead to forgetfulness, repetitive mistakes and as a result unnecessary heartache and pain.

It is only when you ask timely questions that you are actually in a position to find solutions and It is only when you ask the right person precise questions that you are assured exact answers.

This topic, I do believe, is the Holy Spirit's response to some of the pertinent questions that have cropped up one way or the other in my life and from my interaction with other people, as a result of my deliberate attempt to have them answered by the only wise God.

One of life's greatest privilege and pleasure is the opportunity to switch off from the hustle and bustle of this world and contemplate the mysteries of God's word and how it relates with my daily life, those in my sphere of contact and those God has sent me to.

The insight into the mind of God and His hearts desire for mankind as one seeks out His answers to the challenges life constantly presents us with, can simply be put as overwhelming.

It is indeed an honour and a life changing privilege to have had the chance to throw myself into God's everlasting arms, in the midst of life's uncertainties and the compelling barrage of this worlds system constantly calling me to operate in it and live by it.

Daily, life throws us curve balls; challenges that we are opportune to encounter, issues that affects someone around us, of which we too could be subjected to one day.

When we are at odds about how to tackle the issues, we are required to focus on God and His Word, to sit at the feet of Jesus and gain the understanding needed to respond appropriately to these challenges.

We cannot afford to go through life making life changing decisions based on our whims and caprices or merely weighing out information we derive from our environment with our physical senses and finite wisdom as the arm of flesh will surely fail us. 

Our reliance on God's Word as the arbiter of all truth and reality is the only way to achieve the results we need and that God desires for us.

Vision protects leaders from sight.
God's revelation, His insight into situations and problems that occur in life are only afforded to those who deliberately withdraw themselves from life's pleasures and pressures, who make out time to recognize and seek out solutions by making God's Word the yardstick for all truth and reality in their lives.

God is glorified and His people delivered and empowered as a result of His revelation of solutions to questions we have about life and godliness that crop up from time to time.

The implication of solving issues without God's input is that such a solution will not be long lasting if actually you do get a temporary reprieve.

Therefore, once you are confronted with a question of life pertaining to you or other people that you can't explain by your own limited understanding, you must not fail to seek out God's Wisdom, lest you deprive yourself, your neighbor and mankind as a whole, the hidden truths of the Kingdom of Wisdom that God desires to reveal to us and therefore also deny God Almighty the glory due Him.


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