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Saturday, 26 May 2018

Keeping Secrets

Keeping Secrets.

A secret is information meant to be kept hidden from others whether a person tells you to divulge it or not, so knowing what to do with such is really pretty straight forward.

Are you a trustworthy person?
If you are then you "may be able" to keep secrets and if you ain't you had better work on yourself so you won't lose friends, acquaintances and most importantly your integrity as a result of your lack of self-control.

As Dr. Myles Monroe of blessed memory correctly said, "If the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable."

The ability of a person to keep confidential that which he ought, especially God's people, is vital in the work God has called us into but if one does not know the importance of trustworthiness such a person will automatically not be able to keep peoples confidential information hidden from others.

The ability of a person to 
identify a word or two spoken in passing as something worth keeping to oneself is very important.

In James 1: 19, we are aptly warned, thus "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,.."

Not only does speaking too much lead to unplanned utterances but as in Proverbs 10:19 (NKJV) we are warned that in "the multitude of words "sin" is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise."

Some of us may have heard the Quote from William Edward Norris, which goes thus:
“If your lips would keep from slips, Five things observe with care; 
To whom you speak, 
of whom you speak, 
And how, and when, and where.”

To the bearer of juicy secrets who reads this, who is pushed and prodded by his big mouth and not God's prompting, I council you to not put God's people and kingdom into disrepute by learning to keep a tight reign on your tongue. 

If you know that passing on an information about another will not glorify God, that it won't lead to prayer or fashioning out a worthwhile remedy to the issues of the person been spoken of, then by all means, "keep your mouth shut!"

We are reminded in Proverbs 18: 21, that "the tongue has the power of life and death,..." let's use it to bring forth life. 

The thief, the ancient enemy of our souls, as in John 10: 10, works tirelessly with the sole purpose of stealing from, killing and destroying mankind, so let's not be willing pawns in his ministry by failing to bridle our tongues.

If you erroneously think your oral slip-ups only affects the person you divulge his or her secrets, then you better wake up and wrap your mind around James 3: 2, which says: 

"We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check."

If you're never at fault in what you say by offending or destroying others with your utterances either directly or indirectly, you'll become a perfect man, able to control your whole body and therefore not stumble when it comes to getting your body to do what God's Spirit desires that is at war with your flesh.

This means that the errors in your speech that offend and have adverse effects on others will as well lead your flesh to acts of disobedience against what you know is the right thing you ought to do. It will lead you to falter and fall into temptation.

I'm sure you are conversant with the adage,"what goes around, comes around!" or some other variant of it, well, know that the devil leaves his unwitting as well as willing servants usually worse off than the people they help him to harm or ruin their lives.

Finally, are you a bearer of sensitive information someone has told you? 
Then by all means, "Keep it to yourself!"

You have been warned!

1 comment:

  1. PProverbs 11:13 NIV
    A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.
