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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

It will all end in Praise

It will all end in Praise.

God Almighty through our faith in His precious promises strewn throughout the Holy Writ has given us the privilege to participate in His divine nature here on earth.

One of the most important scripture He has made available to us is Romans 8:28, which goes thus: 

".. in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

We have all been through patches in life and will still go through more when it seems like God just ain't there, situations in which we have sought the hand of God concerning a matter and all we experience is deafening silence without a prompting of a "Yes," "No" or "wait," that we all have been made to believe is the natural order of God's response to our needs and wants.

It can be so downright frustrating to know that God exists but seems to be delaying in bringing about an outcome we desire but as people of God, we need to keep trusting God for a favourable outcome knowing that He desires what's best for us even more than our very selves.

We all need to reprogramme our minds to understand that even if that seemingly all too important reply of a "Yes," "No" or "wait" is not forthcoming, the final outcome of the situation we have earnestly tabled before the Lord will still turn out to favour us, but more importantly it will result in these outcomes which are His purpose for us and our fellow men: 
1. the saving of souls of men,
2. praise to Him and 
3. blessings for us.

These 3 outcomes far outweigh the wisdom we may exhibit and our puny ideas we tend to have of how the end of a matter should be.

God as in Romans 8:28 will always orchestrate outcomes of all situations to favour us but we need to understand that in Gods scheme of things the order of priority goes thus:

1. The fulfilment of His purpose concerning a situation that He alone may be glorified, and then 
2. Working out the outcome for the good of those who love him to the extent that they desire the fulfilment of His purpose above their own desire.

Let me paint a worse-case senario for you, to hit the nail on the head so that whenever we remember Romans 8:28 we will have the right perspective of it from now on.

God will allow you or another person who is bound for heaven to be maimed or even killed so that another can make heaven that His name may be praised as a result and the salvation of the new convert will be added to your heavenly reward.

God's purpose for mankind is not just that we live long or have situations go our way but more importantly that we live well by helping Him fulfil His purpose of saving others like He saved us.

So from now on have the right perspective concerning Gods ultimate purpose for every situation we face in life, which is that, people are saved, we are bleseed and He is praised and glorified. So the bottom line will all end in praise.


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