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Wednesday, 23 May 2018



A lot of us have gotten into the bad habit of asking God for money with regards to almost everything we desire He provide for us. We have unconsciously gotten to a point in our lives that we believe with enough cash we can buy just about anything we need.

The system of this fallen world we live in has surreptitiously crept into our actions, reaction, language and prayer life to the point that we have become used to asking God for the middleman (money) between Him and what we really need rather than asking Him directly because of how Almighty He is to meet us at the very point of our need.

We have been brainwashed into forgetting God's specific provision for mankind that if we ask for what we need in the name of Jesus and do not doubt, we shall receive what we asked for as inJohn 16:24, and not the purchasing power to get it.

Money is a middleman, a go between, a valid medium of exchange in the contemporary world we live in but before money existed, men were accustomed to exchanging goods and services with each other. Things and services rather than money in a trade-by-barter system.

When the use of money first began it was amedium of exchange that men chose to give value and peg it's value with that of gold bullions they had stashed away in the vaults of their bank but before it existed men would barter (exchange) things for their face value based on simple demand and supply.

Banks were made to be secure repositories, reserve for valuable items men would take there for safekeeping.

God's provision by prayer or favour withoutasking, however doesn't usually involve any trade at all. God can use other men or any of His creation to freely give men what they need or want, no matter how lavish it may be.

Like a bank, God Almighty has a repository of blessings in heaven and in earth that He can endow men with, so ask for your specific needs and wants and trust Him to show Himself mighty on your behalf.


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