Friday, 4 May 2018

Hearing God

Hearing God.

There is an adage that goes thus: 
"Many look but only a few see!"
While this holds true for our perception afforded us by our physical eye sight and us being able to discern matters with our spiritual eyes, the same can be aptly said with regards to our sense of hearing. 

In about 14 different places of 4 chapters of the New Testament, 8 of them having to be in the book of Revelation, that relates to the future end of mankind and where we will ultimately spend eternity, a slight variation of this warning as recorded in Revelation 2:7, is sounded, 
"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."

The Warning is one that from time to time perks my attention, for to the average person it would appear as foolishness for a person who had ears not to hear in the first place.

The unfortunate truth is that two people who briefly enter a room may perceive and recount the contents of the room differently, with one probably giving greater detail because he chose to pay attention to detail, considering how important he believed the task was.

A person can actually be aware about what God's spirit is trying to pass across to His people by merely being present when it is said but not listening to the point of paying attention in order to engage his heart and go beyond mere comprehension with ones mind, to truly understanding with his heart so that he can be empowered to obey it.

The truth is that the things of the Spirit cannot be comprehended and therefore understood by a person's intellect but with his heart, and the Holy Spirit's input is also required to understand what the Spirit of God is saying.

If you are asking "why?" the answer is simply because the message of God's Spirit was meant for one particular set of people; those who are His followers (those who hear the Word because they want to abide by it) and the gospel truth is that if one is not a follower, even though he has ears, he won't be able to understand and therefore put to any meaningful use what he heard, apart from God's call on a man to be born again. 


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