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Sunday, 8 April 2018

What Do You Have in your Hand (7)

What Do You Have in your Hand (7).

If you don't appreciate "What you have in your hand," then please know this: some people who are less fortunate than you would probably give anything to have what you have.
In Luke 12: 42 to 44, It is written:  

42. “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? 
43. It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. 
44. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.

God has given you what you have in your hand for you to manage it for Him by meeting the needs of others exactly when they need it.
He did this so that He can put you in charge of more of His possessions.

He put something in your hand so that you'll be a blessing to others which will in turn bring Him the glory due Him and more blessings for you.

So as in Matthew 5: 16, you are to, 
"..., let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." You are to do so with everything God has endowed you with.
God commands us, as in Luke 16:9, thus: 

"I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings."
This verse of Scripture actually sums up our purpose in life in a very salient way that few bother to dwell upon because they have an issue with parting with the wealth God has blessed them with so that they may bless others.

Wealth, simply put is the amount of possessions that you have as it is not just in monetary terms.

God has endowed us all with varying amounts of possessions, according to our ability to manage them, to meet the needs of others who need what we have an abundance of, even though it is one item.

Note that the place of Sacrifice is not negated by your lack of abundance of a good or service as your possession of just one item that you know someone else is in need of more than you should also be parted away with.

God has made it that His principle of seed time and harvest, that is, His principle of Sowing and Reaping, will determine what you have in your hand per time and as a consequence if you fail to give what He has put in your hand to help bless another the result is that He won't be able to put something else or more in your hand to keep His cycle going through you.

The first repercussion is that blessings coming to you will be halted till you do the needful and the not so obvious one is that, failure to use the worldly wealth God has endowed you with to gain friends for His kingdom, is that when it is all gone and it is time for you to depart this world, you will not be welcomed into an eternal dwelling with Him for failing to fulfil your purpose on earth. 

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