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Thursday, 5 April 2018

What Do You Have in your Hand (3)

What Do You Have in your Hand (3)

Please note this warning: 
We are in a time war, and only time will tell how long we individually have left before we are recalled by God. 

Time is a resource people seldom think of. 
What you can do with what God has mentally and physically blessed you with is time bound.
Nature abhors a vacuum. If you fail to act when you are supposed to someone else will fill the void at your own expense.

Time is not a friend or an enemy but it can be a tool that can serve you well if you learn to plan and execute things on or before expected time.

The gospel truth is that you do not have all the time in the world to actualize all God has blessed you to do on earth.
Stop hoping people or things will change. If nothing else changes, change yourself.
If an enabling environment doesn't present itself you've got to create one yourself. 
If you have an idea you desire to execute, the proof of your seriousness is to make everyday plans towards it coming to fruition. 

In Habakkuk 2: 2 - 3, it is aptly written, 
2. ..“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald (others that read it who are required to help bring it to fruition) may run with it. 
3. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

1. Itemize your plans, that you may read it continuously and have it at the forefront of all you think so that you can always work towards it and so that 
2. Others that come accross it, who are required to help bring it to fruition may be quick to help actualize it, 
3. The accomplishment of the plan may be meant for a set time in the future, 
4. If it is Gods will it will definitely not prove false, 
5. So though it may linger for a while like if it may not work again, exercise patience - 
6. and keep having "Faith" in the one who gave you the dream in the first place, knowing that at the end it will certainly come to pass and will not delay forever. 

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