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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Human Relations

Human Relations.

Human relations is all about constantly managing the people around us but as children of God, it must be in a godly way, esteeming the needs of others above ours.

We will come in contact with a diverse number of people in our lifetime and as follower of Christ you can ill-afford to manage your relationships with others anyhow.

We are duty bound as followers of Christ to control and take care of our associations with other people in a way that does not allow the work of God fall into disrepute.

A quick rule of thumb is to leave people better than how you met them and not just as you met them, or even worse and if one wants a friend, one must show themselves to be friendly (Proverbs 18:24 KJV).

We as Christians are admonished in Matthew 5: 16, to "let our light shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven."

In your endeavours you will definitely meet people who will "rub you the wrong way," and how you handle the issue between you can be as serious as life and death.

As disciples of Christ, our utterances are so weighty and powerful that if spoken carelessly can actually go as far as costing a person his very life.

We can ill afford to take for granted what comes out of our mouths like others dobecause of the weighty consequences of having the potential to make us or to mare us, as is written in Proverbs 18: 20, "From the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied." This verse in a nutshell tells us that what we say actually determines what we get.
In fact, our tongues are so powerful that they have the power of life and death as in Proverbs 18: 21

In our afiliations we are admonished to walk with the wise and therefore become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. (Proverbs 13: 20)

As in Jeremiah 17:5 there's also a stern warning for us concerning the extent of confidence we should have in our fellow man, for the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord."

Our confidence in another person should always be that, through God that that person will do what (s)he is supposed to do, Period.
We are not to put our hope and trust in others more than God, for they cannot truly save without God's intervention as in Psalm 146:3 and 5 .

As people of God we are compelled to be good ambassadors of Christ by leading others with the exceptional qualities that we possess in Christ Jesus to such an extent that as inMatthew 5:16, 
others, may see our good deeds and glorify God the Father.

Finally, human relations is something we need to manage for the rest of our lives so we had better trust God and ask Him for the wisdom to help us guide His people aright like King Solomon did. 

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