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Friday, 6 April 2018

What Do You Have in your Hand (5)

What Do You Have in your Hand (5)

The all too important place of purpose can never be overemphasized in Gods scheme of things in a mans life.

Understanding God's Purpose for what God put into our hand will ensure more than human Success and Happiness but more importantly, godly fulfillment and joy.

In Luke 13: 6 - 9, Jesus told a parable of how a man who had a fig tree growing in his vineyard went to look for fruit on it but did not find any, and as a result, instructed the caretaker of the vineyard to cut it down.

The owner was not happy because for 3 years that he went to inspect the fig tree for fruit he didn't find any. He couldn't fathom why the tree would use up the soil he provided and not be fruitful.

The caretaker on the other hand, pleaded with the owner to leave it alone for 1 more year, that he may tend and fertilize it, and that If it bears fruit the next year, fine! But if not, then he'll cut it down.

In the Parable of the Fig tree, the owner of the tree represented God Almighty, the caretaker - Jesus Christ, the soil - Gods resources, and the fig tree was used to typify an unproductive Christian, since God could only expect fruitfulness in season and out of season from one of His own who had accepted Jesus Christ as caretaker, that is, as Lord and Saviour.

If you feel the parable was just a short story that doesn't apply to us as human beings then this should give you a better perspective of things:

In Matthew 8: 14 to 15, Jesus touched the hand of Peter's mother-in-law who was lying in bed with a fever and after the fever left her, she got up and began to wait on the Lord.

This is an example of how our Lord restored the health of a person and the person appreciated him with what she had by meeting his needs.

It is proof that we were Saved to Serve Him and even if we feel we have no outstanding talents to offer, we can still use our lives in any way we can to the service of God by spreading the gospel and advancing His kingdom agenda on earth.
So, "What do you have in your hand that you are not aware of, not using "or not puting into good use?"

God has a specific need of Increasing and Blessing you and others He has sent you to, with the giftings, talents and physical and mental abilities he has endowed you with in Christ Jesus.

Your time of foolishness is over in Jesus name.Go forth and show forth His glory and goodness by not denying Him the fruits of your hand anymore.


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