What Do You Have in your Hand (4)
What Do You Have in your Hand (4)
TEAMWORK:The Bible is the most comprehensive book you'll find with examples to help you in virtually all endeavours of life. No wonder the acronym for "BIBLE" is "Basic instruction before leaving earth" or more aptly put: "Basic instruction before living eternally," since not all that leave earth knowing the instructions may make heaven.
Surprisingly enough, after God had made Moses realize that He would use the simple staff he used to control his flock as a "Rod" of Punishment to Pharaoh and a "Staff" of Leadership and Deliverance to His people Israel, Moses did the most darned thing to my imagination.
Moses in Exodus 4: 10 - 13, not only asked God to pardon him for not been eloquent and for being slow of speech and tongue, but he also asked God to "Please, send someone else", even after God had explained to him that He, the Lord, gave human beings their mouths, makes them deaf or mute, and have sight or be blind,and therefore he should go; for He, the Lord will help him speak and will teach him what to say.”
As a result, It was written that "the Lord's anger burned against Moses" but instead of meeting out stiff judgment on Moses as one would have expected, God proffered the solution of Aaron his brother being the mouthpiece of Moses.
God proffered the solution of "Team Work"when He said in Exodus 4: 15 - 17, 15. You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do.
16. He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him.
17. But take this staff in your hand so you can perform the signs with it.”
Thank God that even though Moses went from the point of "cannot" to "will not" our God and Father, in His Mercy used teamwork, a division of labour of sorts to achieve His plan for His chosen people as well as ensure that Moses did not loose out by handing over "What he had in his hand" to another because of fear or unbelief.
We can all take a cue from what God did to weigh our Strengths and Weaknesses with that of other suitable people in embarking on an endeavour "in the place of prayer" and divinely choose a helpmate(s) that will help us efficiently and effectively utilize what God has placed in our hands for our growth and success and that of others, that He may be glorified and we blessed as a result.
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