What Do You Have in your Hand (1)
What Do You Have in your Hand (1)
Are you in need?
What do you have in your hand?
What has God Almighty put in your hand that He can use to bless you and others as well?
In Exodus 4: 2 - 3, it is written:
2. Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied.
3. The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake,...
God used the staff Moses wielded, which represented him as a shepherd of flocks of animals, to perform diverse miracles and wonders, and by so doing transform him into the leader and deliverer of His chosen people, Israel.
Hey!, you've got your future and future prosperity in your hand and you also have your own part to play.
Get yourself out of your comfort zone and get something doing.
God has empowered you with what you need to get to the next level in life.
Find time for your own good to pray, sit down and do some self assessment of all that has transpired in your life and you'll be surprised the things you come up with.
In Genesis 1: 27 to 28, it is written:
1. God created mankind in his own image,
2. He blessed them by saying:
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it," and
3. He told man to Rule over every living creature He had created.
God gave mankind everything he had to be gods unto His creation on earth.
When God tasked man to be fruitful, He desired man to work smart and get very good results for his labour, as in, large amounts of turnover for his meager efforts, that would bring glory to Him. God spoke "excellence" into mankind from the beginning.
There are different account strewn about in the Holy Writ where God has used the seemingly little a person had to bring about large turnovers and great victories.
I remember some of the exploits of the strong man Samson whom God gave supernatural strength to deliver His chosen people, such as:
1. In Judges 14: 6, when the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon Samson so that he tore a lion apart with his bare hands because it might have killed one of his young goats.
2. In verses 8 to 9, where Samson went back some time later to marry a woman from Timnah, turned aside to look at the lion's carcass, and saw in it a swarm of bees and some honey, which he scooped out, ate, and shared with his parents as well.
Just as Samson didn't bargain for the turnover of honey from the lion he tore apart earlier so also does God surprise us with new ideas and innovations we never thought of if only we would dare to get off our tuff and use our God given gifts and talents to glorify Him.
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