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Monday, 16 April 2018

Seeking and Waiting on God

Seeking and Waiting on God.

Seeking God and Waiting on and for Him is the most important part of our relationship with God and His son. It is also the most important thing we must habitually learn how to do for us to have the abundant and fruitful lives God desires we have while on earth.

Our seeking, waiting and therefore finding can only be fuelled by our sincere love for Him and His Word and hence our desire that His will be done in our lives and that of all mankind.

God desires an intimate relationship with each and every one of us to ensure that His good, pleasing and perfect will is accomplished in us and those we relate with because of His influence in our lives. 

To know His will per time so that we can obediently oblige, requires that we seek Him on a constant basis, that He may reveal them to us seamlessly.

King Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes, who pondered and searched out what people stand to gain from all their labors at which they "toil under the sun," that is, work embarked upon without God's guidance, finally came up with the conclusion that to fear God and keep God's commandments was the duty of mankind in verse 13 of chapter 12 of the book.

To fear and keep God's commandments refers to our choice to revere and hold God and His will for us in such high regards due Him out of oursincere love for Him to the point that we obey Him no matter what.

God clearly states in Proverbs 8: 17 KJV, 
"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."

God first loved us and showed it in the most profound way by allowing His son to die for us, the ball is now firmly in our own side of the court.

In Hebrews 11: 6, we are reminded that, "He rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Apart from seeking Him early we are required toput Him first with a constant and sincere effort. 

God desires people who are serious, sincere and consistent in knowing Him and His Word that they may constantly be abreast with and obey His good, pleasing and perfect will.

The adage, "Nothing good comes easy," is very true. We should not expect the best from God with a lackadaisical attitude to the things that concern Him. We are to exude energetic and painstaking effort.

Waiting on and for the Lord is not a characteristic that comes upon a person when he or she has given his life to Christ. It is solely borne out of an individuals true love for God by ones understanding of Him through His Word and His wonderful deeds in the lives of men.

Just like one can diligently plan and watch every episode of a television series for months on end without missing any because one is in love with the story line, so also can one choose to seek and wait on God for ones direction in life.

Diligence in Waiting on the Lord and waiting for Him to bring about those things He has promised His people is one theme that can be seen throughout the holy writ. 

Reciprocity of love is the proof of a meaningful relationship between 2 parties while diligence in service is the litmus test of our faith and sincere love for God our Father and His Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Waiting on just one person for the accomplishment of a process is one of the hardest and trying endeavours a human being can ever endure, because the outcome seems to be out of one's hands.

Our faith in God as an Almighty god is maintained or shattered on the altar of diligence and our ability to foolishly wait on God for His assistance, or trust Him for a better alternative if He chooses not to oblige us.

Is God the love of your life as you are His? If He isn't then this is an opportunity to mend fences, prayerfully seek Him out through His Word, and learn to wait on Him for directions to the glorious life He has purposed for you.


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