A lie is what it is ...a lie.
A lot of us speak the truth only when it serves our purposes but we must stop fooling ourselves and desist from bringing God's holy name and His work of salvation in the lives of others into disrepute because of the sloppy, self-centered services we render to our fellow men and to God Almighty as well.
No one is an exception to His word; His commands, precepts and consequences for disobedience.
A lie is what it is ...a lie.
"...When the devil lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44 ), so if we habitually do the same are we not his children?
God is a respecter of no one and as such we cannot exempt ourselves from His principles and the consequences of willfully disobeying them, vascilating between lies and the truth and expecting grace to abound.
If you can stand in the midst of people, ignore His Spirit of Truth within you and willfully tell a lie and try to pass it off as the truth or even a joke and your conscience does not prick you, or you don't have any qualms that your utterance won't encourage others to speak the devils native language, which is opposite and opposed to God's mandate that we speak the truth in love always, then you should be gravely concerned about the state of your heart, and you better check yourself and repent of your ways.
For example, If you happen to be in a vehicle and you indicate to the person you are discussing with on phone that you are in a location where you really are not, to try to make the person feel that you are closer to him than you really are, what does that make you, and how do you want the people around you to perceive you and the faith you claim to profess?
The seemingly little things that we tend to overlook are usually the ones that the enemy of our souls uses with time, to shipwreck our faith and that usually have a ripple effect on others who are looking to us as authority figures and role models.
Are you having a hard time not spicing up your conversation with a lie, here and there?
Admit to yourself that you have a challenge in this area, pray for grace to desist from such and as in Proverbs 10:19, think before you talk and try to keep your utterances few, knowing that usually when words are many, sin is not absent and finally, "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,.." (James 1:19).
May God's grace avail for you immensely on this issue.
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