Choose to be Responsible.
God commands us to be perfect as He is perfect but unfortunately a lot of us don't believe it's possible and as a result make ourselves useless to Him because of our lack of faith in the impossible that we ought to have in Christ.
We however due to our lack of faith, inadvertently limit God's work in our lives and make ourselves useful pawns for the evil one as a result.
Indeed, while we can't attain perfection in anything by our own willpower or flesh, God has made it possible for us to do so through the Holy Spirit's empowerment.
When we choose to put to death our flesh and feed our spirit and by so doing, follow the promptings of His Holy Spirit that is resident within us, then perfection pertaining to various aspects of life and godliness, that seems impossible becomes possible.
It is said that when the root of a problem is identified then to proffer a solution is made easier.
We must understand that our propensity to tell lies emanates from our inability to want to accept responsibility for our actions.
If you want to stem the tide of lies you tell then you need to be desperate and deliberate about it.
We've all heard the adage, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time" but most of us want to eat our cake and have it.
When a man chooses to be responsible for what he does, such a person is ready to start to kick out lies from his life.
If you are expected to go on an errand for your boss and return at a specific time but then decide to deviate from the task to do one or two personal things that makes it impossible to return when you ought, the next truthfully logical thing to do is to choose to own up to what you have done, however, failure to do the right thing will surely give rise to shame and the opportunity to lie in order to try to cover up one's wrong actions.
So, the first steps for kicking out lies from your life are:
1. Be a Christian, and as such, dare to believe in the impossible, that you can kick out lies from your life,
2. the next time you foolishly choose to be disobedient or do things your own way rather than the way you ought pertaining to any situation, make up your mind to be Christ's Ambassador rather than the devil's side-kick by choosing to be responsible for what you have done rather than lie about it.
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