In life some of us believe that we should be afforded some basic rights and privileges by others and even God Almighty Himself, that will make our lives peaceable and enjoyable but however such ideas are utopian, as the truth about life at most times can be summed up in the adage that goes thus, "You don't get what you deserve, but what you negotiate."
We live in a fallen world with less than perfect systems that are as a result of the devils influence in the lives of men who do his bidding whether unwittingly or not, for their selfish ends.
Only the confession of God's Word pertaining to the unfavorable issues we face in life, like the all-too-common, "Let there be light!" that God Almighty spoke forth in the beginning, that caused the prevailing darkness that covered the earth to flee, can ensure that we experience what the Word of God says is our portion in Christ Jesus.
The Bible is replete with precious Words and promises that we can by faith, speak forth concerning situations that are beyond our control, that can turn those challenges around, if we would but imbibe them into our hearts and confess them in preparation for such times.
We need to see the world we live in, as it really is, a place where the devil, who is the ancient enemy of the souls of men, has legal rights of dominion to control it's systems, and He uses it to manipulate men as a result, to go against God's will for their lives by instigating them to steal, kill and destroy themselves.
This distortion of life from what God had planned, although due to the original sin that our forefather, Adam committed can be overturned because of the victory over sin, the world and the devil, that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ wrought for all mankind as a result of his death, resurrection and ascension.
We must however key into the provisions He has made available for our deliverance and salvation for us to regain our dominion on earth and therefore have godly control over our lives and in turn, be able to spread the influence of our Maker all over the world.
Finally, we must learn how to negotiate our way with the instrumentality of our confessions of God's word, out of the influence of the evil one in the systems of the world and his manipulation of men as a result.
We can do this by finding out and confessing the truth of God's Word in the Bible that can make the difference in every ungodly fact and situation that presents itself against the will of God in our lives and that of our fellow men.
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