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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Favour (Divine Assistance)

Favour is an instance of voluntary assistance that one is offered by another. It is goodwill from others that one is opportune to come across.

Most people experience favour from time to time while others have such opportunities of uncommon help meted out to them more frequently.

Looking at God's promises strewn about the holy writ, it is obvious to the discerning heart that we should indeed be the most favoured on the face of the earth if we could but know how to tap into such an infinite well of divine blessings.

The words, "What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?" is a testimony concerning God's favour upon His chosen people Israel, as found in Deuteronomy 4:7 that we can instantly tap into if we could but sincerely have a relationship like Israel had with Him and also learn to pray to Him and therefore relate with Him likewise.

That is indeed favour at work that the Israelites could testify to, and an unmerited one at that. Note that God Almighty chose Israel at that time, as the only nation that would experience His presence from all the nations of the earth because of the faith of but one man. If that ain't divine favour then I don't know what is.

Israel were indeed chosen by God to be instruments of His favour but through our faith in Jesus Christ we too can enjoy such a most-favoured-nation status and the blessings that once accrued to the Israelites alone, in that we can by faith, also be Abrahams descendants and heirs to the blessings God bestowed upon him and his lineage.

The onus lies on us now to by faith, actively covet and ascribe God's blessings that are our heritage in Christ Jesus into our lives and that of others, until we start seeing their manifestation.

God's favour is our heritage in Christ Jesus. We are supposed to experience it on a perpetual basis and not just once in a while.

It is paramount that we must also be willing conduits of His favour to others in appreciation of God's faithfulness upon us to remain recipients of it, as it is the abundant lifestyle Jesus wrought for all his followers, through his death and resurrection.

You inadvertently confess your desire for God's favour upon your life when you say the "Lord's Prayer as found in  Psalm 23.
In verse 6 we usually profess, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

Goodness and Mercy are God's messengers of favour upon our lives and if we can profess it, then we can faithfully be expectant and appreciative of it by our testimonies to others of His benevolence.

From now on, realize that you are favoured and be expectant of God's un-merited favour from everyone around you and wherever you find yourself and likewise be conduits of favor for this is God's Word concerning you and indeed the purpose for the favour he bestows upon you, as found in 2 Corinthians 9:11, which goes thus:
"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and ... your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God."


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