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Saturday, 21 December 2019

Good Morning!

Good Morning! 

Good Morning is a common greeting we all use during the early hours of the day. Obviously when said, it simply means that you're wishing the person you are relaying it to - a pleasant morning.

 As people of God however, such common placed pleasantries that we don't give a second thought to or don't even mean if we do, but say just to fulfill social norms, should not be our case.

 Such pleasantries, if conveyed with sincerity of purpose should be used as veritable avenues in which we can bless everyone around us.

 In an imperfect world where people wake up with so many issues that they are bogged down with, a simple greeting said with all sincerity of purpose and more importantly, by faith, can go a long way into turning around the issues people face and affording them a better day. 

In Genesis 12:2-3, having demanded Abraham's obedience in doing the unthinkable to most of us, as stipulated in the first verse, God Almighty blessed Abraham with these 6 pronouncements:
 1. I will make you into a great nation,
 2. I will bless you;
 3. I will make your name great,
 4. You will be a blessing.
 5. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and
 6. all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

 As heirs to Abraham's blessings by faith in God, which is therefore our heritage in Christ Jesus, we need to commit to heart what it confers on us, so that we can live in expectation of every part of it manifesting itself in our lives and also go about bringing about it's fulfillment in the lives of people around us by what we say and do.

 It may seem to be easier said than done but with all godly things a purposeful sacrifice is usually needed. We need to at a hearts level, consciously make up our minds to remember to ensure this important opportunity impacts the lives of those around us.

 So next time you say "Good morning! " to someone or any other pleasantry of the likes that gives you an opportunity to speak a blessing into the life of another, don't hesitate to consciously say it like you really mean it. Shalom.

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