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Sunday, 28 July 2024



1 Corinthians 9:24-27 
   24. Do you not know that 
in a race all the runners run, 
but only one gets the prize? 
Run in such a way 
as to get the prize. 
   25. Everyone who 
competes in the games 
goes into strict training. 
They do it to get a crown 
that will not last, 
but we do it to get a crown 
that will last forever. 
   26. Therefore 
I do not run like someone 
running aimlessly; 
I do not fight like a boxer 
beating the air. 
   27. No, 
I strike a blow to my body 
and make it my slave 
so that after 
I have preached to others, 
I myself will not be disqualified 
for the prize.

This passage is an example of a metaphorical and didactic expression. 
The apostle Paul uses the metaphor 
of a race to illustrate spiritual discipline 
and the pursuit of a virtuous Christian life

Unlike a typical human race, there are some stark differences in this one that Paul is using to compare it with. 

The differences and similarities between this race that is the Race to Fulfill Destiny and the Normal Human Race are as follows

   1. The competition is only with one's self. 
You must give it your very best to win
Unlike the conventional race where runners run and contest between themselves for an ultimate prize like a gold medal or trophy, the race that Paul is using to compare it with is an individual one. 

   2. We must approach this call to fulfill our individual Destiny's personally because as individuals we each have an ultimate prize we must strive to attain with purpose, focus and dogged determination. 
   We must be the best at what we do and be excellent in our service to God and our fellow men because the quality of our life on earth and indeed hereafter depends on it. 

   3. The Prize Paul is referring to is not tangible like a gold medal or trophy. 
It is the Crown of Salvation, to fulfill your individual destiny in Christ Jesus

   4. Unlike the normal race we are accustomed to, there is a particular way we need to approach this race for Eternity for us to get the prize. 
  5. Just as everyone who competes in normal games or sporting competitions needs to go into strict training to be fit enough to have a fighting chance of winning, so also is this race to fulfill destiny. 
   We must do it with absolute focus, discipline and self-control

   6. There is a strict training regiment required for this race - to fulfill destiny, which is essentially, God's good, pleasing and perfect will and plan for a person, that differs from the typical races we are used to. 

   7. While people compete in regular races to obtain a reward that will ultimately not last, we embark on this race of life to get an everlasting crown, that will endure long after we leave this ephemeral earth.

   8. As a result we should ensure that we are focused like a runner and precise like a boxer, in the way we live our lives. 
   9. We should strive to mortify our flesh on a daily basis for our unbridled appetites and desires are the greatest impediments we must overcome to finish well. 
   We must by the dictates of the Holy Spirit, daily put to death all the desires and cravings of our flesh by striking blows to our body and making it our slave via daily sacrifices that empower the Spirit of God in us while subduing our innate fleshly and sinful nature that is constantly at war with the Holy Spirit in us. 

   The passage that begins with a question is essentially a wake-up call to every follower of God that there must be an urgency and a renewed determination with the way we live our lives. 

   Paul encourages the Corinthians and by extension, us - to live their lives with purpose and discipline, much like athletes who train rigorously to win a race or competition. 
The "prize" he refers to is eternal life and the rewards of living a faithful Christian life.

   Please note that as in Matthew 20:20-21, the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus with her sons kneeling down, and dared to ask a favor of Jesus, that he should grant that one of her two sons may sit at his right and the other at his left in his kingdom. 
   While you can read the latter verses to get the context, it is important that your goal should be set by the very words of our Saviour and Lord himself as he said thus in 

John 14:12-13
   12. Very truly I tell you, 
whoever believes in me 
will do the works I have been doing, 
and they will do even greater things 
than these, 
because I am going to the Father.
   13. And I will do whatever you ask 
in my name
so that the Father may be glorified 
in the Son.


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