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Friday, 28 April 2023


There's something about times and seasons God has alloted for us to activate and enjoy, that we need to understand and key into if we are to take full advantage of His Supernatural provisions of blessings for our lives that are new every morning. 

In Psalm 68:19 KJV, the author praised God by saying, 
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, ...."

We can surmise that King David, the author of the Psalm was able to identify and therefore praise God this way because God's daily provisions that were able to cater for his needs and wants, had become his daily experience. 

From Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV, 
1. We can appreciate the greatness of God's faithfulness upon our lives - on a daily basis. 
2. We can understand that God's compassion fails not and that it is because of the Lord's mercies we are not consumed as a result of our sins.
3. We can also delight in the truth that his mercy and compassion are new every morning. 

As people of God, we are supposed to speak forth and declare (by faith) what we desire for ourselves and indeed confess the blessings of God we come across in His word into the next day, before it comes upon us. 

We can understand the reason we need to do this from Genesis 1:5, where it is recorded that, 
God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning - the first day.

From this scripture we can deduce that the biblical day begins in the evening and as a result we can therefore pattern our lives after this truth, for as with God's scheme of things, it is only what a man sows today that he is assured of reaping tomorrow. 

Before Christ called, chose and designated twelve of his disciples as apostles in Luke 6:12-13, Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray. It was recorded that he spent the whole night praying to God. 

God who calls those things that are not as though they were, graciously chose to make us in His image and likeness so we could also partake in His godly nature of declaring a thing and having it come to pass, by our faith in His very words and promises that are strewn all over the Holy Bible. 

We not only need to take advantage of this Supernatural provision of bringing to life our needs and indeed wants, by confessing His Words but we also need to do so in the manner God has purposed and provided we do for effectiveness.

Being expectant, preparing for and even going the extra mile to find out the exact times and seasons for the good, pleasing and perfect will of God for our lives, is crucial to ensure we don't miss out on God's provisions as and at when due. 

A few principles we must adhere to so we can access God's provisions for us are: 

1. Realising that God's supply of our provisions in life are tied to our love for Him and our desire to accomplish His purpose for our existence, and our obedience to what He reveals to us to do for Him. 

In Proverbs 23:26, God commands His Children thus: "My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways,"

2. Recognising that God expects us to ask Him for our provisions and doing so. 

We need to ask God for our daily provisions because the relationship He foreplanned for us is not just that of a creator to the created but that of a heavenly Father to an earthly child.

We are mere mortals with limits on our knowledge and abilities but that is how God intended it to be.  
His plan is that as His children we approach Him by prayer, as our example Jesus Christ did, in asking Him of our provisions and His empowerment to live above our limitations, so that in turn we do His bidding as we would our earthly fathers.  

This may be hard for some of us to wrap our minds around but in God's scheme of things we as His creation; made for His good pleasure, need to understand that God is Almighty and His plan is that though we have finite wisdom and limits on our strength on earth, we are to depend on Him for absolutely everything we desire or lack as a child would his father. 

3. Asking for our needs and wants in a timely manner. 

In Matthew 7:7, we are assured of getting an answer to our request or appeal to God concerning our provisions or indeed any other petition concerning other people thus: 
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

We can also intimated as in Ecclesiastes 3:1, that: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:" so we need to understand the times so we can not only ask for our needs and wants in there allotted period but also be expectant of them. 

4. Being expectant that what God promised in His Words concerning us, will be accomplished by our faith in Him to bring them to pass. 

In Matthew 7:8, we are guaranteed that: 
"... everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." So let's live every single day with high expectations that God will provide for us. 

Finally and most importantly, as in Matthew 6:33, we are commanded to seek first the establishment of God's Supernatural kingdom and a right-standing with him in our lives and that of others, and as a result all the other necessities of life like our feeding, clothing, livelihoods, etc, that unbelievers unfortunately run after, and that our heavenly Father already knows we need, will be given to us as well.


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