Many Christians struggle day by day with their obedience to God's will and his ways.
A tested and sure roadmap to ensuring our obedience to God's Word and therefore His will and hearts desire for how He would want us to live godly lives, is for us to:
1. Always start our day with the Word of God,
2. Meditate on imbibe and understand the portion of scripture below, that helps us to understand the process of our obedience to the Wors of God, and by so doing grow one's faith to the point that it causes God's Holy Spirit to empower us to supernaturally abide by it because we have chosen to yield our lives to Him.
In Proverbs 6:20 to 23, it is written thus:
20. My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
21. Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck.
22. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.
23. For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life.
Keeping the Fathers commands and not forsaking His teachings can only be achieved by our sincere love for God and our fellow man and not by using our finite wisdom or our flesh to live by the Law which will always be burdensome for by flesh shall no man prevail.
This is why in 1 John 5:3, it is written thus:
"In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,"
Binding God's Commands and Teachings (which guide us on how we should live godly lives) to our hearts refers to imbibing the Words of God that they may guard and guide our hearts and minds and by so doing, ensure that our actions reflect our obedience to the Word of God and not useless things we may otherwise take in from the world.
Fastening God's Word; His Commands and Teachings around our neck has to do with making the Word of God a yolk; a guide that compels us to do God's bidding alone and restrains us from ungodly things that are contrary to God's will for our lives.
Imbibing the Word of God as frequently as we can ensures that:
1. When we walk, they will guide us in God's ways,
2. When we sleep, God's Word that we have faith in with regards to our security in life will literally watch over us by guiding and protecting us from all evil.
A testimony of this in Psalm 3:5, spoken by King David goes thus:
"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."
If we truly believe what it says then our faith in it will ensure our safety throughout the night and when we are spiritually weak.
3. When we awake, the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance God's Words that we have imbibed into our hearts and by doing so He will be able to speak to us as a friend that sticks closer than a brother, and guide us in how God would have us live the new day.
God's commands act as a lamp that illuminates directly around us so we know the do's and don'ts of where to go and where not to go with regards to the godly lives God expects us to live, while His teachings are a light that illuminates our future, therefore guiding and helping us know how we should live our lives, for such corrections and instructions are the way to the abundant life Christ has ordained for us here on earth and the eternal life hereafter, when we leave this ephemeral world for God's abode in heaven.
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