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Sunday, 25 July 2021

The Road to Obedience (2)

The Road to Obedience (2)

The human nature we were all born with is the fallen nature all mankind inherited from the original sin of disobedience of our forefather, Adam. 

A disobedient nature that is predestined to always have the propensity to crave for and follow Satan's manipulation of this fallen world and therefore perpetually fall into sin. 

The Road to the obedient nature that is ours in Christ Jesus, which is a supernatural inclination to obey God's Word, His will and His ways which is His good, pleasing and perfect will for our lives, that far outweighs any outcome we can ever decide for ourselves, is based on choices we make on a moment by moment basis; to let the dictates of the Spirit of God rule our thoughts, speech and actions rather than our innate human desires, that are diametrically opposed to God's will for our lives.

The Road to Obedience requires a moment by moment, conscious effort to imbibe God's word by meditation and prayer so that we beat our bodies and make it our slaves, and by so doing subject our flesh to the dictate of God's Holy Spirit resident within us, so that we may not be disqualified from the ultimate prize of making heaven as a result of our lack of self control. 

God's promise of our deliverance from disobedience, that we can anchor our hope on and keep confessing till we begin to see it's manifestation in our daily lives as in Ezekiel 36:26 to 28, goes thus: 

26. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 
27. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 
28. Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God.

In this ironclad promise that God made, He not only assured us of: 
1. giving us His Holy Spirit which is the only remedy that can empower us to overcome sins allure, to reside in us but also that 
2. He will - by Himself, supernaturally cause us to follow His decrees and be careful to keep His laws that we may fulfill His hearts desire of being His people, like the people of Israel are and He will indeed show Himself to be our God. 

Why, you may ask? 
Because the God who gave the command is the only one that can ensure it's fulfilment, simply by our faith in His pronouncements concerning it, as in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, "The one who calls us is faithful, and he will do it."

Ezekiel 36:26 to 28 however is a Covenant as in many other pronouncements God has made concerning His promises to mankind, and as a result requires an action on our own part, which is not only for us to have total believe in his capacity to bring what He has said to pass but also to constantly feed His resident Holy Spirit within us, with His Word so that the Holy Spirit will constantly have the upper hand over our fleshly desires to ensure our victory over sin, the world and the devil. 

Receive the grace for obedience as you consciously feed your spirit with God's Word, as you ought, in Jesus name. 


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