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Sunday, 27 June 2021





Are you in need of anything that will provide you with a livelihood?

Are you in need of work or a business that will help you perpetually provide for your needs and even that of your family members?
Then change your profession. 

Accept the call of jesus on your life by changing your job description to the one he gave his disciples and indeed all who would dare to live by faith and follow him. 

Simon Peter's profession before he followed the call of Jesus, that he fish for men rather than for fish, was that of a fisherman. 
The account of how Simon was called by Jesus can be found in Luke 5:1-11

Simon's first encounter with the Lord was when Jesus used his boat to preach to people. 

When Jesus entered the boat and asked Simon to put out a little from shore, Simon agreed without any hesitation because that day he and his fellow fishermen were washing their nets after working hard the previous night, without being able to catch anything. 

When Jesus had finished speaking, he told Simon to put out, this time, into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.

Simon then agreed to the Lord's request because the Lord said so and not because he wanted to, after intimating the Lord about their inability to catch anything overnight. 

As a result, Simon and his companions obedience to the Lord's command led them to catch so much fish that their nets began to break and their boats began to sink. 

After Simon had come to the Lord in  realisation, fear and submission as a result of the miracle Jesus had just performed in their midst, Jesus changed his job description and also commissioned Simon and his companions to fish for people from then on.

In obedience to the Call of the Lord, they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything that they used to sustain their livelihoods and followed him.

When Jesus had left the seen, after his crucifixion, death and burial, it happened that one day as recorded in John 21:2-19, Simon Peter called Thomas, Nathanael, James and John Zebedee, and two other disciples to join him in their former profession as fisherman and they agreed to go with him.

That night they caught nothing like what happened the night before Jesus called them to catch men rather than fish. 

Early in the morning, Jesus had to call out yet again to them, as he stood on the shore, to throw their net on the right side of the boat with the assurance that they would catch fish if they did so.  
It happened that when they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish they caught.

After Jesus had called them for a breakfast of bread and fish he then asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” 
Simon then replied, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” 
After which Jesus then commanded him thus, “Feed my lambs.” 

The word "these" in Christ's question to  Simon refers to Simon's propensity to go fishing and resume his former job description as a fisherman rather than the new Job Jesus had given to him, of being a Fisher of men that would in turn provide for his livelihood. 

The proof that we are disciples of Christ can be seen in the times we choose to obey the call of Jesus to fish for men on a daily basis, apart from engaging in any endeavour in order to sustain our livelihoods, like catching fish or any other business we were into before we were called to the Ministry of Christ Jesus. 

In Matthew 6:32 to 33, we are warned not to run after "these" things like pagans do, having in mind that our heavenly Father knows that we need them. We are commanded to rather seek first the establishment of God's kingdom and his righteousness in our hearts and minds and that of our fellow men, and as a result all "these" things that Jesus was trying to warn Simon Peter and indeed all Christians about, with regards to how we would be able to sustain ourselves in life, will be given to us as well.

The call of Jesus, that we be fishers of men is a lifetime call that must be adhered to on a daily basis. 

It is the Ministry of Jesus and as a result if we choose to be his followers, we must therefore pattern our daily lives after his.

Let us refuse to live in uncertainty any longer because of our disobedience to our primary assignment in life. 

Fish for men as much as you can daily, not out of duty but out of genuine love for the lost as you once were, so that the Almighty will also make you the Supernatural fisherman He purposed you to be, to not only provide the Word of God to people around you but to also meet their material needs by the riches He endows you with as a result. 

Receive the Grace to abide by the truth that what you now know has empowered you with in Jesus name.


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