Your heart is referred to as the seat of your emotions and drive in life. What you desire is where your heart is per time.
What tickles your fancy? What do you treasure most in life? What do you think about when you are free to think about what you want? What you desire most speaks of your values in life.
What are those things that interest you most in life? What paramount purpose do you ultimately seek to achieve or be remembered for when all is said and done?
As human beings we are all born with the propensity to treasure things and desire them in a scale of preference.
There are just two things you can ultimately value in life. You can either value this world or the things of God. While your value for the things of this world as a means to an end is healthy but when that end does not benefit your neighbour and give glory to God then know that your heart is definitely in the wrong place.
In Luke 12:34, it is written, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
What you treasure most in the long-run determines where your heart will be, so if you treasure God's Word and therefore His will for your life above all else, then your heart will be in the things of God but if you treasure the things of this world then your heart cannot be in the things of God.
Where your heart truly is determines the quality of life you'll have on earth and ultimately where you will spend eternity so you cannot afford to harbour inordinate attachments to this world and all it's trappings at the detriment of your soul.
King Solomon in Proverbs 19:17, reminds us that:
"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." while Jesus admonished in Luke 12:33-34 to:
1. Sell our possessions and give to the poor and by so doing,
2. Provide purses for ourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.
As we divest what we have in giving to the poor and needy around us, because we sincerely choose to treasure God's Word and therefore His will, above all we can ever desire, treasure or accumulate from this world, we truly have Jesus, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, and that will ensure that all grace abounds to us, so that in all things and at all times, having all that we need we will abound in every good work with regards to improving the lives of others and glorifying God as a result.
What you treasure most is what you will focus on and spend more resources on to achieve. This in turn will determine where you go in life and in time, where you will spend eternity.