Wednesday, 23 January 2019

By Strength Shall No Man Prevail

By Strength Shall No Man Prevail.

God has blessed mankind with talents to achieve all sorts of things by the strength and gifts He has given us, according to our ability as in Matthew 25:15.

Our existence is for the sole purpose of doing God's bidding while on earth as is spelled out in Colossians 1:16 - 17, which goes thus:
16. For in him all things were created: ...through him and for him. 
17. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

As human beings we always get inspired to achieve one goal or the other, and work towards their fulfillment, but the truth is that if they don't originate from God to glorify Him by positively benefitting us and our fellow man, and if He doesn't create the opportunity to do so we will not be able to achieve them successfully and find true satisfaction from our labour.

That is why the author of Ecclesiastes 3, said God's timing and chance happen to us all, with regards to the "God factor" in a man's life that no man can control.

In God's scheme of things, we were not born or called to do things and live our lives on our terms, as we want to, but as we ought to, according to God's council; in line with His good, pleasing and perfect will for us, anything else ends up being short-lived and regrettable.

Success has it's good side and bad side. While good success is fulfillment of godly purpose, anything other than that, that is ultimately done selfishly and for vain glory, in the long run won't profit the achiever, other people or bring glory to God.

In 1 Peter 4:10-11, we are admonished thus:
10. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
11. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ...."

We have finite powers and abilities and it takes the Almighty intervention of God to truly prevail with regards to any activity we want to embark upon and be successful in under the sun.

The truth is that we were made for a time and a purpose and as such, we were not made to operate beyond the ambit of the purpose of the One who created us.

We can truly do nothing meaningful, that is of earthly importance for our fellow man or of heavenly significance that will give God the glory due Him if we are not following the dictates of our Creator and the Author and finisher of our faith.

Have you been using your finite strength and wisdom to try to achieve things?
There's still time for you to do an abrupt turnaround NOW, for as it is written in 1 Samuel 2:9, "by Strength Shall No Man Prevail."

Have you been going through life oblivious of God's desire for you to reach out to Him and get acquainted with His purpose for your existence through a personal  relationship with Him and His living Word, Jesus Christ? then know this, in John 15: 5, our Lord and Saviour emphatically said with regards to all His creation, "I am the vine and you are the branches, without me you can do nothing."
The terms of the peace and prosperity we desire for our existence is spelled out in this verse.

Finally, indeed by one's own strength shall no man truly prevail but by faith; by complete confidence in the empowerment only God Almighty and His transformative word gives.

My sincere prayer for you is that through what you have read and what God Almighty will reveal to you as a result, you will accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ and by faith in Him prevail in this world and finally obtain the crown of eternal life that awaits all God's faithful ones, when your sojourn from this ephemeral life is over, Amen.

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