Before KINGs
Before KINGs.
king Solomon, the wisest king that ever lived in Proverbs 22:29 KJV, made this assertion, "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."
Diligence in service can take a man where skill and expertise won't.
There's no remedy for hard work, or better still, shall I aptly say "smart work."
In the world we live in consistency
will always be sought after just as excellence in service will.
We will always come across stories of how men endured in their pursuit of an endeavour and because of their dogged determination were able to etch their names and the purpose of their unswerving loyalty in the sands of time.
As people of God, our Almighty God and Father also requires that we be diligent in all our pursuits but unlike other earthly endeavours His desire is that we show forth such excellence in service so that as in Matthew 5: 16, people will see our good works, choose to follow in our footsteps and glorify Him as a result when they find out the real source of our motivation.
It is important that God's people are elevated to the point of being recognised by the high and mighty, not because it gives them an opportunity to curry their favour but because it gives them a platform to influence leadership with God's agenda concerning how men are governed.
The holy writ has several accounts of how prophets, priests, kings and even ordinary men have devoted their lives to God's service to the point of becoming reference points themselveswho those in authority seek to solve one issue or the other that they face.
Diligence in every endeavour one embarks upon, not for just personal aggrandisement or vain glory but for a purpose beyond oneself, so that other men by seeing ones godly work ethicswould desire to imitate ones lifestyle is God's will concerning His people and we can therefore ill-afford to put His name into disrepute by sloppy and half-hearted services we render.
Are you representing God Almighty in your endeavours as you ought?
Note that we are God's ambassadors whilst on this earth and we must always work at things with all our heart, as if we were directly serving God and not man as in Colossians 3:23 to 24, forit is God that promotes and one day we shall also be recalled to give account of our stewardship and accordingly rewarded for our service.
May the good Lord keep you hooked, tilted and built up in Him and give you the strength and tenacity to be His faithful soldier and servant until your lifes end as you show forth His glory and excellence in all your endeavours.
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