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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

The Armour of God (3)

The Armour of God (3)

The Armour of God can be simply acquired by one's faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord and Saviour.

In Romans 10:17, it is written that, 
"..., faith comes from hearing the message, ..... the word about Christ."
After been drafted, God's spiritual armour "in us"can be maintained by:

1. Building up our faith through imbibing the Words of Christ regularly so that we are always abreast with His commands and principles that we may live by them constantly, and

2. As Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus said in 2 Timothy 2:3-4, 
we are to join fellow followers in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus, as no one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.
The use of the Armour of God comes with a conscription package as soldiers in the Lord's army that we cannot run away from. 
We are required to: 
1. follow him,
2. endure suffering in the battle field, 
3. be good soldiers,
4. not to get entangled in civilian affairs, but to rather try and 
5. please the commanding officer.

These requirements cannot be met by people who have accepted Jesus Christ as just Saviour, who they beckon on when they face difficulties in life to come and deliver them from their challenges alone but by people who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives.
Many people choose Jesus to be their Saviour but not as Lord over their lives because they want to be in complete control and live life on their own terms.

They know that having Jesus as Lord entails having him as one who has power and authority to exercise leadership over them and don't want that part of the package.

Jesus Christ in Luke 9:23, emphatically required from all who would choose to follow him these 3 things:
1. denial of self,
2. taking up the burdens of others daily, and 
3. to come after him.

Finally, the Armour of God can only be assessed and used with ones acceptance of Jesus as both Saviour and Lord. 

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